Abundance and distribution of live mussel shells and F. heteroclitus eggs at Phillips Creek and Hammocks Marshes, June - August 1992*.

Site                              total live     total empty     total eggs
                                  mussels        shells
Phillips Creek Marsh (irreg.fl.)
   MUI                               0             0               4**
   HM                               36             2               0
   LM                              174             7             657
   CBK                             167             9               0

Hammocks Marsh (reg.fl.)
   MUI                              19             4               0
   HM                              232            15               0
   LM                              299             5               1**
   CBK                             172             6              13
* sum of collections made on June 4, July 2, July 15, and August 4.

** eggs found attached to S. alterniflora stems