Results of a posteriori ANOVA paired contrasts comparing grass shrimp abundance between topographic levels at each of four marsh sites. BDC = Beaver Dam Creek; EB = Eagle Bottom Marsh; PC = Phillips Creek; HAM = Hammocks Marsh; MUI = marsh-upland interface; HM = high marsh; LM = low marsh; CBK = creekbank.

*Significant at [[proportional]] = 0.05.



        BDC     MUI x LM                0.3624  
                MUI x CBK               0.0125*         
                MUI x HM                0.4195  
                LM x CBK                0.0942          
                LM x HM 	        0.9176          
                CBK x HM                0.0767          

        EB      MUI x LM                0.0014*         
                MUI x CBK               0.0027* 
                MUI x HM                0.0262* 
                LM x CBK                0.8202          
                LM x HM 	        0.2569  
                CBK x HM                0.3618  

        PC      MUI x LM                0.0001*         
                MUI x CBK               0.0001*         
                MUI x HM                0.0001*
                LM x CBK                0.3918  
                LM x HM 	        0.0451* 
                CBK x HM                0.2326  

        HAM     MUI x LM                0.0001* 
                MUI x CBK               0.0001*
                MUI x HM                0.0001*
                LM x CBK                0.0003*
                LM x HM 	        0.0277*
                CBK x HM                0.0898
