Ranges and means (+1 SE) of marsh surface water salinity, temperature and dissolved oxygen content at Phillips Creek Marsh and Cattleshed Creek Marsh, June 10 - August 15, 1991.
Repeated Measures ANOVA comparing Fundulus spp. and P. pugio abundance between mainland and back-barrier marsh sites.
Total length ranges and means and age class composition of fishes and grass shrimp at Phillips Creek Marsh and Cattleshed Creek Marsh, June - August, 1991.
Ranges and means of physico-chemical parameters from Hammocks Marsh and Phillips Creek Marsh, April - November, 1992.
Abundance and distribution of live mussels, empty mussel shells and F. heteroclitus eggs at Phillips Creek and Hammocks Marsh, June - August, 1992.
Emergent stem densities (mean no. stems m-2 +1 SE) at Phillips Creek and Hammocks Marsh, June 4, 1992.
Mean width of empty shells (mm +1 SE) collected at Phillips Creek and Hammocks Marsh, June - August, 1992.
Abundance, mean shell width (+1 SE) and mean no. of eggs in empty mussel shells collected from 100 m2 mid-marsh plots at Phillips Creek and Hammocks Marsh, June 5, 1992.
Ranges and means of physico-chemical parameters from tidal freshwater and salt marsh study sites, 1992 and 1993.
Average maximum flooding depth (cm) and inundation time (mean % of time flooded per month) August - December 1993, for tidal freshwater and salt marsh sites.
Total fish and decapod abundance and biomass from Beaver Dam Creek Marsh, Eagle Bottom Marsh, Phillips Creek Marsh, and Hammocks Marsh, 1992 and 1993.
Abundance of nekton species collected from tidal freshwater and salt marsh surfaces, 1992 and 1993.
Repeated Measures ANOVA comparing fish and grass shrimp abundance and biomass between marsh sites and topographic levels.
Results of Student-Neuman-Keuls test comparing fish abundance means between each of four marsh sites.
Results of a posteriori ANOVA paired contrasts comparing fish abundance between topographic levels at each of four marsh sites.
Results of a posteriori ANOVA paired contrasts comparing grass shrimp abundance between topographic levels at each of four marsh sites.
Results of a posteriori ANOVA paired contrasts comparing fish biomass between topographic levels at each of four marsh sites.
Results of a posteriori ANOVA paired contrasts comparing grass shrimp biomass between topographic levels at each of four marsh sites.
Fish species collected at Chickahominy River, Virginia tidal freshwater marshes, 1983 - 1993.
Meiofaunal taxa collected from Eagle Bottom Marsh, November 1991 & November 1992 - November 1993.
Densities (No. 10 cm-2, (SE)) of numerically dominant taxa and total meiofauna from Eagle Bottom Marsh, November 1992 - October 1993.
Repeated Measures ANOVA comparing meiofaunal abundance between pool and hummock microhabitats at high and low marsh zones.
One-way ANOVA comparing meiofaunal abundance between pool and hummock microhabitats, November 1991.